Feel EMPOWERED with knowledge and support and become your best ADVOCATE. 

No matter what your infertility journey includes and no matter what it looks like, there is one thing that is true:


However, walking the path of infertility changes you. You are not the same person you were when you took your first step and you may not even recognize the person looking at you in the mirror. 

You feel like you have no control over your body, what goes into it and even what happens to it. 

You feel lost…and not just on the infertility journey itself, but lost within yourself.

I can help you take ownership over your needs, your body, and your journey. I can help you identify what you truly need, communicate that clearly to others, and help others understand how to best support and care for you on what is an incredibly hard and painful journey. 

Let me help you feel empowered.

Let me help you become your best advocate.

As an Infertility Research Guide, my purpose is to empower you with knowledge and support to become your best advocate!

GUIDE (noun) def: Something or someone that helps you form an opinion or make a decision about something else.

An Infertility Research Guide empowers you with knowledge and provides support to use that knowledge and catalyze the next steps forward that feel true to your individual needs and well being.

I will gather relevant research for your specific issue or circumstance and will create summary pages of the applicable research that are digestible and accessible. We’ll review the summaries together, organize questions for your next doctor’s visit, and have follow-up calls after seeing the doctor to determine if a deeper dive is needed on a topic or a different direction of interest would be valuable.

Do you feel like you had to take on the job of being a professional researcher within the field of infertility? 

You didn’t sign up to be on this journey and you also did not sign up to discover everything you could about the topic, the different perspectives/approaches/techniques/etc., and then figure out what to make of what you read, and specifically how it relates to your situation. 

You’ve probably googled more than you thought possible, read every blog and forum, chatted with people around the world about their experience across different social media platforms, and dived into the sea of academic literature that can make you go cross eyed. It’s a lot! And simply having to walk the path of infertility already requires you to hold more weight than you thought your arms (and heart!) could hold and requires you to walk through indescribable pain and loss.

Let me take and hold some of that weight

Get research support that is specific to YOU and YOUR particular journey. 

What VALUE do you gain from having an Infertility Research Guide on your team?

  • Expert Knowledge Resource

    Rather than googling and reading blogs and forums, I will help identify, compile, and summarize clinically founded evidence specific to your needs, challenges, and experiences.

  • One-On-One Support in a Safe Space

    I am here to be a tool and resource on your infertility journey and also serve as a companion, ready to walk to the path you direct forward and hold hope for you every step of the way. You'll have direct access to me and will always have a safe space to share, unravel, and rebuild.

  • More Time

    You no longer have to spend hours and hours researching only to still feel lost and confused. I’ll take care of the research and you can take care of YOU by trading research time for true self-care time.

How will you FEEL after working together?

After working together, you feel ownership of your infertility journey and the decisions you make about your body and wellbeing. 

You are fueled with resources and knowledge grounded in science that become puzzle pieces to explore and determine how and if they fit into your infertility story. 

You feel strong and have discovered your source of strength has been within you this whole time but was simply covered up by layers of guilt, loss, and sadness.

You feel empowered to ask questions of your medical team and seek the treatment that is right for you. 

You feel at HOME within your body. 



One Month Package

One Month: 2 x 60 minute calls 

One 60 minute intro call discussing your history, questions, and concerns

One 60 minute research guidance call reviewing research specific to YOU

Weekly office hours Included

2 hours each Friday (can send note/question at any time during week)

$750 $900

Three Month Package

First Month: 2 x 60 minute calls

One 60 minute intro call discussing your history and concerns

One 60 minute research guidance call reviewing research specific to YOU

Second and Third Month: One 60 minute monthly call

Monthly call topics include, but are not limited to: building on previous research calls, exploring new questions that arise from doctor’s appointment, or preparing for upcoming doctor’s appointment 

Weekly office hours Included

2 hours each Friday (can send note/question at any time during week)


Free 15 minute discovery consultation

One discovery call

One free 15 minute intro call discussing your history, questions, and concerns to see if we’re a fit